Installation on Windows
The Splan Visitor Management System application can be installed on Windows and Linux. This section
describes the detailed installation procedure for Windows and also lists the hardware and software prerequisites.
Please download files from the link provided in the email from the Splan Team.
Note: When copying a command or script from this guide, it is recommended to first copy and
paste the commands or scripts to “Notepad++” file and then run them.
System Requirements
The Splan VMS application is delivered as a Web Application. Please check for the following prerequisites
before you start deployment:
Installation on Windows
The Splan Visitor Management System application can be installed on Windows and Linux. This section
describes the detailed installation procedure for Windows and also lists the hardware and software prerequisites.
Please download files from the link provided in the email from the Splan Team.
Note: When copying a command or script from this guide, it is recommended to first copy and
paste the commands or scripts to “Notepad++” file and then run them.
System Requirements
The Splan VMS application is delivered as a Web Application. Please check for the following prerequisites
before you start deployment:
Visitor Server Configuration Client Workstation Requirements
• 16 GB Servers, 64 Bit, Dual Core with
500GB storage
• Windows
• MySQL/MSSQL Database
• SMTP Service, SMS Gateway enabled
• Virtual Environment is supported
• Intranet connectivity to the server
• Browser: IE11, Chrome, Firefox
Self Service iPad Visitor Kiosk
• Internet access for Drivers License
• Intranet Access for printer and visitor
• Brother Label printer configured on the
• MSSQL 2016 server / MySQL is available
• Port 80 is available for the VMS application. In case this port is not available, please make a note
of which port the VMS application needs to be running on.
Installation Guide
Download Software
Before deploying the Splan application, please verify the System Requirements. The necessary files for
installing the application servers are provided in three zip files. Splan services team provides links to
download following software package files.
Copy downloaded files to a folder drive “C://SplanBuilds”: (NOTE: C or D drive)
• JRE Installer
• Splan Application ZIP
• Splan Database BAK files
Please follow the download instructions shared in the email from the Splan team. For additional support,
please reach out to us at or
Step 1: Install JAVA
1. If Java 1.8 already installed, then you can skip these steps.
2. Navigate to the folder “C:/SplanBuilds/jre-8u251-windows-x64.exe”
3. Right click on the “JRE1.8” installer file.
4. Click on the ‘Run as administrator’ option
5. Configure JAVA_HOME path in Environment variable to “C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0” . Please
refer to Appendix A to configure JAVA_HOME.
Step 2: Database Setup
Database Setup - MSSQL
Splan provides database BAK files which need to be restored in MSSQL server.
1. Download Splan database BAK files to database server.
a. Splan_vms : This is Splan Visitor database
b. Splan_reports : This is Splan Reports database
2. Restore these two databases.
3. Authentication – SQL Server User
a. Create one user for Splan (splanuser)
b. User should have FULL access to both database (splan_vms and splan_reports)
i. DDL and DML access to both databases.
4. Authentication – AD User (service account)
a. Splan supports connecting to database with AD authentication.
b. Create new service account or any existing service account can be used.
c. Service account should FULL access to both database (splan_vms and splan_reports)
i. DDL and DML access to both databases.
Installation Guide
5. TCP Port
a. Splan server connects database using TCP/IP connection.
b. Default Port 1433
Database Setup - MYSQL
Creating the VMS and Reports Databases
1. Execute the command CREATE DATABASE splan_vms; OR Launch MySQL Workbench and click
‘Create a new schema’ in the connected server icon.
2. Provide the database name as ‘splan_vms’ and click OK
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create ‘splan_report’ database
Importing the Reports Database
1. From the command prompt, run the command:
mysql splan_vms -u splanuser -p <
2. Launch the MySQL workbench and click on ‘Database Import/Restore’
3. Select the ‘Import from Self-Contained File’ option and click on the ‘Browse’ button
4. Select ‘splan_report.sql’ file and click Open
Installation Guide
5. Select ‘splan_report’ in the Default Target
Schema dropdown and click on ‘Start Import’
Creating a User and Assigning Privileges
• When the Splan application and DB are located
on same machine run the query: create user 'splanuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Splan@1234';
• When the Splan application and DB are located on different machines run the query: create user
'splanuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'Splan@1234';
• To provide permissions to the user, use the command: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO
'splanuser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Setting Auto commit to false
Execute the command
Step 3: Splan Server Setup
1. Create a folder name with Splan in C or D drive
a. EX: C:\Splan
2. Extract Splan Server from downloaded SplanServer zip to C:\Splan folder.
3. Make sure to have following installation path.
a. C:\Splan\Tomcat
Installation Guide
Database Connection
1. Configure database connectivity between Splan server and Database server.
2. Go to C:\Splan\Tomcat\conf folder
3. Open context.xml file
4. File already has sample database connection entries
5. Change database server IP and Port number
a. jdbcUrl="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=SPLAN_VMS;"
6. Authentication – SQL Server User, provide user and passport in context file.
a. user="splanuser"
b. password="xxxx"
7. Authentication - AD / Windows User: Use the following jdbcUrl in context file and user / password
is not required in context.xml
Check Database Connection from Splan Server to Database Server
1. Open windows PowerShell
2. Use the following command to test connection.
a. Test-NetConnection {DatabaseServerIP / Name } -Port {PortNumber}
Copy Splan Visitor Software
1. Copy downloaded Splan application package to Tomcat server
2. Software package, C:\SplanBuilds\SplanVisitor_{version}.zip
a. Splan-web.war
b. Splan-reports.war
3. Copy all packages files to C:\Splan\Tomcat\webapps folder
4. Unzip folder to C:\Splan\Tomcat\webapps
Installation Guide
Configure Splan Server as Service
1. Configure JAVA_HOME as Environment variable and point to installed JRE folder.
2. Configure Splan server as a service
3. Open command prompt as Administrator
4. Go to C:\Splan\Tomcat\bin folder and run “configureSplan.bat” command.
5. Splan Server is configured as service
Installation Guide
Start Splan Server
1. Server will be started as Local Service / System account as default.
2. You can start server with different service account and same service account will be used to
authenticate to database server of SQL server if Windows authentication is enabled.
3. Start server
4. Splan server starts in default port 80
Server Logs: Server logs can be found from the path: C:\Splan\Tomcat\logs
Splan Logs: Splan logs can be found from the path: C:\Splan\Tomcat\logs\splan
Launch Splan Application
1. Open any browser and navigate to the URL:
2. Splan login page will be displayed
Installation Guide
License Activation
1. Login to Splan admin with user “admin” and password as “admin”
2. Error message will be displayed with license action.
3. Click on “Activate License” link.
4. Click on “Generate Hardware Key” and share the following details with Splan team.
a. Hdd manufacturer serial number
b. Ethernet address
c. Server Name / IP address
5. Splan Team will generate license with given values and send back the license.
6. Add license text to in License page and click on “Activate”.
Contact Splan Team for further configurations and training.